1st Quest - Sabina - lvl 150
This quest can be done by: dark knight, dark wizard, fairy elf, summoner, rune wizard, slayer, white wizard, and Lemuria mage.
Part 1: Find Scroll of Emperor
Go to Atlans Losttower or Dungeon and fight monsters until you find the scroll. Quest items can drop in party.
Part 2: Find Class specific Item.
Go to Atlans or Losttower and fight monsters until you find the item. Quest items can drop in party.
Reward: Class Evolution and 6 points per level instead of 5.
Hero Quest - Marlon - lvl 220
(Random: Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Atlans)
This quest can be done by dark knight, dark wizard, fairy elf, summoner, rune mage, slayer, white wizard & Lemuria mage.
This quest is needed for some skills to work - such as Expansion of Wizardry
This is a quest between the second and third class changes and is needed in order to do the 3rd class quest.
Part 1: Find Ring of Honor
Go to Tarkan / Icarus / Aida / Kanturu and fight monsters until you find the scroll. Quest items can drop in party.
When you have found the first item, take it back to the NPC. for blade knights there is a second part of the quest, where you will need to find dark stone. it is found in the same locations.
Dark Stone unlock COMBO for BK
Level 3 Quest - Devin
Part 1- Can be completed by ALL Classes at level 380.
On ParagonMu Devin is in Crywolf Spawn Area.
He will ask you to bring 3 specific items from 3 monsters.
Part 2- Can be completed by ALL Classes at level 400.
Now it is time to move to Barracks and and kill 10 each of Balram(Hero), Death Spirit(Hero) and Soram(Hero)
On ParagonMu we suggest you attempt this quest after 10+ resets.
You can use Silver NPC next to Devin in order to teleport to Barracks.
Part 3- Can be completed by ALL Classes at level 400.
Now it is time to move to Barracks Refuge and and kill 1 Dark Elf (Hero) 10-25min Respawn.
On ParagonMu we suggest you attempt this quest after 15+ resets.
You can use Silver NPC next to Devin in order to teleport to Barracks then head to the very end of the map and enter Refuge by talking to the Wolf statue.
Once you finish the quest you will gain acess to the Skill Tree ("A") and Ruud Skills.