Chaos Castle it’s the place where mu warriors fight for prestige or prize,but there can be only one winner. To join the event you must find/buy Armor of Guardsman from NPC’s and right click on it, you are disguised to look like your enemies, where no one will be able to tell who’s who.

How to Gain Entry?
Buy and righ-click Armor of Guardsman.
On ParagonMu this item is sold in the Bar.

Event Requirement and Time
You can check event times and entry level requirement in your QUEST tab in-game. Additionally on ParagonMu we have added all event timers to a website the widget.

Where to enter?
Once the event is active you will see the icon on your left Scren. Buy and use Armor of Guardsman to enter. 


All rewards are listen in our Drop Database and Full Droplist

Detailed Droplist