This is event is all about Guild PvP with objectives. Winning guild will gain acess to a special Castle where they can craft items with Jewel of Guardian. Winners may also visit a special map - Land of Trial where they find custom drop and NPCs.

How to Participate?
As Guild Master, move to Loren Deep and talk to the Guard NPC then register your guild when the time is right. 

Press the "Announce" button and registration will be accepted.
Only the guild master of the main alliance can announce intent to siege to the guardsman NPC.
Any guild members of the guilds that have announced intent to siege can submit a Sign of Lord during the registration period.
When the guardsman NPC is clicked, the guild name and allied guilds names rankings will show on the registry.
When the guard NPC is clicked Siege status information will be shown.
Only the top 3 guilds and their allies will be given a priority for the siege.

Siege Participants Requirements

A participating guild must have at least 5 members in their guild.
Participating guilds are required to have an ally to be able to successfully use the castle features.
Other guilds and characters can participate in the siege as a neutral parties but they cannot win the castle.  
If the guild that owns the castle disbands, they will lose ownership of the castle.
Only 3 guilds + allies can join the siege. If there is more than 3 guilds registered then players must turn Sign of Lord to the guard NPC. 

Top 3 guilds who returned most Signs will be chosen. 


Guild Registration period : Monday  ~ Wenesday 
Registration period for Sign of Lord : Wenesday ~ Thursday 
Castle Preparation : Thursday - Saturday 
Siege FIGHT : Sunday 17:00 UTC ~ 18:00pm UTC (Check time on web)

How to Play?
Invading team and their allies will have a sword icon above their head.
Defending team and their allies will have a shield icon.
The Guild Masters will have a crown mark on the top instead of sword or shield mark.
Neutral characters will not be marked as attackers or defenders.

Win Condition
To win the siege the guild master must register his crown on the pedestal located at the castle room. Pedestal is protected by the Seal. Seal is only broken if 2 buttons are pressed by other guild members for at least 30 seconds.  GM can register his/her crown several times during the event. The last guild who register and hold the crown wins. When a guild sucessfully register the crown they become defenders and other guilds are changed to attackers. 

Only the guild master can register the crown once the seal is broken.

To break the seal you must press 2 buttons (stamps) in the room (both at the same time). 

Map Layout
When all 4 statues inside the castle have been destroyed, the shield blocking entrance into the Castle Tower vanish.
Only the players of the defending team can enter through the shield.

Pedestal where you register the crown once the seal is broken. Seal is broken only when 2 buttons in the room are pressed.

Button that has to be pressed. You can only press button while close to it. If you get disrupted or die button will be inactive. 


All rewards are listen in our Drop Database and Full Droplist

Detailed Droplist