Mastery Armors

After completing 3rd class Quest, all classes on FXP MUMu can start their Mastery Armor Progression.
All Set parts drop from Invasion Monsters and cannot be bought from Ruud.
Ruud is still needed to upgrade your items

Each class has their own specific set. And on FXP MU Mu set options are adjusted to maintain PvP Balance.

Some classes such as Elves, Knights, Magic Gladiators have 2 sets to chose from.
Knights can chose between offensive and defensive set.
Elves can chose between agility or energy set.
Gladiators can chose between energy or strength set.

Each set can be upgraded, increasing its offensive and defensive stats. 
On FXP MUMu we have lowered the level requirements. You must reach the required level in order to be able to wear the item, however once you equip it, it will work from level 1.

Set Name Upgrade Order Level Required Where to get Soul Materials?
Bloodangel Base 0 Not Required
Darkangel 1st Upgrade 0 Not Required
Holyangel 2nd Upgrade 800 Not Required
Awakening Soul 3rd Upgrade 800 Ruud Vendor - Awakening Soul
Blue Eye 4th Upgrade 800 Ruud Vendor - Blue Eye Soul
Silver Heart 5th Upgrade 1000 Ruud Vendor - Silverheart Soul
Manticore 6th Upgrade 1050 Boss Drop - Check droplist
Brilliant 7th Upgrade 1100 Boss Drop - Check droplist
Apocalypse 8th Upgrade 1150 Boss Drop - Check droplist
Lightning 9th Upgrade 1200 Boss Drop - Check droplist

How to upgrade?

Credits: Mu Guide (FXP MU Video under construction)


Your Set Next Upgrade Luck Excellent Options Harmony Options JoL
Bloodangel Darkangel Stays All Opt stay Reset Reset
Darkangel Holyangel Stays All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Holyangel Soul Stays All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Awakening Soul Blue Eye Stays All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Blue Eye Silver Heart Stays All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Silver Heart Manticore Stays All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Manticore Brilliant Stay All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Brilliant Apocalypse Stay All Opt Stay Reset  Reset
Apocalypse Lightning Stay All Opt Stay Reset Reset
Lightning Temple Guard Stay All Opt Stay Reset Reset

Sets have custom options on FXP MUMu and add a lot of HP/Damage


Your Set Next Upgrade Luck Excellent Options Harmony Options JoL
Bloodangel Darkangel Stay Stay Reset Reset
Darkangel Holyangel Stay Stay Reset Reset
Holyangel Soul Stay Stay Reset Reset
Awakening Soul Blue Eye Stay Stay Reset Reset
Blue Eye Silver Heart Stay Stay Reset Reset
Silver Heart Manticore Stay Stay Reset Reset
Manticore Brilliant Stay Stay Reset Reset
Brilliant Apocalypse Stay Stay Reset Reset
Apocalypse Lightning Stay Stay Reset Reset
Lightning Temple Guard Stay Stay Reset Reset

How to get Materials?

Master Anvils are used to upgrade Weapons. For example Holyangel Anvil
Master Souls are used to upgrade Items. For example Holyangel Soul

Those Materials can be bought from Ruud vendor for Ruud. 

There is also 3rd way, Horn Crystals - these are newly added in season 18 part 2. 
Basically when you obtain a buff "Horn Mastery Crystal" from Battle Pass (FXP MU Pass) Free or Premium.
You will be able to drop Horns that can be used in Chaos Machine to create a Soul once you gather 2500 pieces.

Please remember this system is mainly for people to catch up. So please do not treat it as an ultimate way of obtaining Ruud Set materials. 

Material Location
Silver Heart Horn Crystal Kanturu Underground
Manticore Horn Crystal Ignis Volcano
Brilliant Horn Crystal Bloody Tarkan
Apocalypse Horn Crystal Tormenta Island

There is also daily drop limit for this material.If they stop dropping then you know the daily limit is used.