Fortress of Crywolf is located at the southeastern area of Valley of Loren.
It's a front line fortress where the allied forces of human and elf fight against the forces of Balgass. The rough geographical features of the fortress made it a fortress blessed with natural barriers for defense and a key area for strategy.
Kundun's forces haven't been able to head north and now the frontline is in a deadlock.
Therefore Kundun has commanded Lemuria to dispatch troops to the Fortress of Crywolf to overcome a situation.
How to enter?
Move to Crywolf map and head to the fortress.
How to Play?
You need to protect the Wolf Statue from Balgass and his army. The Elves connect to the altars in order to raise a HP protective shield around the statue. The other players need to attack the monsters from Balgass’s army and also Balgass himself once he show up. The event is won if there will be elves still connected to the altars and Balkass will be killed.
Crywolf Rules
Event will not start if Elves are not connected to the altar.
If All Elves disconnect from the altar or Die - event will be failed.
If Balgass reaches the statue and destroys it - event will be failed.
Balgass appear when 5-7 minutes before event time is over.
If you sucess you will gain rewards from Balgass as well as the entire server gains a hidden buff that enhance Chaos Machine Luck by 5% and reduces all Monster HP by 5%!