
Errtels and Pentagram:

Credits: Mu Online Guide. Paragon Video under construction

Credits: Harpy Mu Online. Paragon Video under construction

Errtel of Anger 
 Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1   30 33 38 45 54 65 78 93 113 138 168 Elemental Damage + X
R2 20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Fire Element + X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Water Element + X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Earth Element + X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Wind Element + X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Dark Element + X
R3 50% 30 35 43 54 66 80 97 117 142 172 207 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvP) + X
50% 30 35 43 54 66 80 97 117 142 172 207 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvM) + X
Errtel of Anger Mastery
 Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 93 96 101 108 117 128 141 156 176 201 231 Elemental Damage +X
R2 20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Fire Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Water Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Earth Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Wind Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 117 122 130 141 153 167 184 204 229 259 294 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvP) +X
50% 117 122 130 141 153 167 184 204 229 259 294 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvM) +X
Errtel of Blessing 
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 10 13 17 22 28 35 43 52 62 73 85 Elemental Defense +X
R2 20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Fire Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Water Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Earth Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Wind Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 10 13 17 22 28 35 43 52 62 73 85 Elemental Defense (PvP) +X
50% 10 13 17 22 28 35 43 52 62 73 85 Elemental Defense (PvM) +X
Errtel of Blessing Mastery
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 52 55 59 64 70 77 85 94 104 115 127 Elemental Defense +X
R2 20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Fire Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Water Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Earth Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Wind Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 52 55 59 64 70 77 85 94 104 115 127 Elemental Defense (PvP) +X
50% 52 55 59 64 70 77 85 94 104 115 127 Elemental Defense (PvM) +X
Errtel of Integrity
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 290 348 406 464 522 580 697 814 931 1048 1165 Elemental Attack Success Rate +X
R2 20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Fire Element +X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Water Element +X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Earth Element +X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Wind Element +X
20% 226 242 258 274 290 306 337 368 399 430 461 Attack Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 30 35 43 54 66 80 97 117 142 172 207 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvP) +X
50% 30 35 43 54 66 80 97 117 142 172 207 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvM) +X
Errtel of Integrity Mastery
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 814 872 930 988 1046 1104 1221 1338 1455 1572 1689 Elemental Attack Success Rate +X
R2 20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Fire Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Water Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Earth Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Wind Element +X
20% 368 384 400 416 432 448 479 510 541 572 603 Attack Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 117 122 130 141 153 167 184 204 229 259 294 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvP) +X
50% 117 122 130 141 153 167 184 204 229 259 294 Elemental Attack Dmg (PvM) +X
Errtel of Divinity
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 17 21 25 29 33 37 44 51 58 65 72 Elemental Defense Success Rate +X
R2 20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Fire Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Water Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Earth Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Wind Element +X
20% 90 106 122 138 154 170 201 232 263 294 325 Defense Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 10 13 17 22 28 35 43 52 62 73 85 Elemental Defense (PvP) +X
50% 10 13 17 22 28 35 43 52 62 73 85 Elemental Defense (PvM) +X
Errtel of Divinity Mastery
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 100% 51 55 59 63 67 71 78 85 92 99 106 Elemental Defense Success Rate +X
R2 20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Fire Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Water Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Earth Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Wind Element +X
20% 232 248 264 280 296 312 343 374 405 436 467 Defense Against Dark Element +X
R3 50% 52 55 59 64 70 77 85 94 104 115 127 Elemental Defense (PvP) +X
50% 52 55 59 64 70 77 85 94 104 115 127 Elemental Defense (PvM) +X
Errtel of Radiance
Rank Chance Lvl0 Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lvl10 Option Name
R1 25% 33 48 63 78 95 112 129 148 167 186 209 Elemental Damage (II) +X
25% 13 21 29 37 46 55 64 74 84 94 107 Elemental Defense (II) +X
20% 150 173 196 219 252 285 318 361 404 447 605 Elemental Attack Success Rate (II) +X
20% 150 173 196 219 252 285 318 361 404 447 605 Elemental Defense Success Rate (II) +X
5% 33 52 71 90 120 141 162 191 213 235 261 Elemental Damage (III) +X
5% 13 23 33 43 54 65 76 90 104 118 135 Elemental Defense (III) +X
R2 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Absorb Shield - 30%% chance to absorb X% Damage as SD
40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Absorb Life - 30%% chance to absorb X% Damage as Life
20% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bastion - Protection is activated for X sec. by 50%% chance when SD is below 20%%
R3 30% 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 380 420 460 500 Bleeding - A durable effect invoking X damages to the target with certain chance when attacking
20% 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 28 31 35 Paralyzing - X% Chance to decrease target¡¯s Moving Speed and every Healing ability by 90%%
20% 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 28 31 35 Binding - X% chance to Immobilize the target by holding its leg with certain chance when attacking
10% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Punish - Chance to inflict Damage (X% of target's MAX Life) upon Critical Elemantal Damage (PVE Only, 350k CAP)
20% 9 10 11 12 13 15 20 25 30 35 40 Blinding - Chance to greatly decrease target¡¯s Attack Success Rate by X% when attacking
Note that In-game   Elemental Damage Rate in PvP Is nerfed to 15-30% depending on a character.   Above options have been adjusted to main balance. 
If you think you   will have 100% uptime on Bastin for example - you are wrong :)
In-game % will be   correct with the values in this table
Rank Up 1 Up 2 Up 3 Up 4 Up 5 Up 6 Up 7 Up 8 Up 9 Up 10 Info
Errtel Level Up Rank1 90% 85% 85% 85% 85% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70% Combination chance when upgrading Errtels with   Elemental Runes
Errtel Level Up Rank2 90% 85% 85% 85% 85% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Errtel Level Up Rank3 90% 85% 85% 85% 85% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70%

1. Normal pentagram can be equiped only with normal errtels. Mastery pentagram can be equiped only with mastery errtels.

2. Errtel of Anger, Blessing, Integrity, Divinity can be mastery. Errtel of Radiance can not be mastery.

3. Max Errtel Rank is 3 and can be upgraded to level 10

4. When upgrading to mastery errtel, all existing options of ranks 1 - 3 will be transfered in mastery errtel with higher bonuses.

5. Mastery errtels have higher bonuses than normal errtels and can be crafted using an upgrade combination.

6. Mastery errtel has a set effect. There are 2 sets Paragon Spirit (Attack set) and Passion (Defensive set)

7. Antonias' Sword (I) can be crafted only from Arca's Prophecy / Antonia's Sword / Kundun's Seal Scroll

8. Brilliant Orb (I) can be crafted only from Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra


All rewards are listen in our Drop Database and Full Droplist

Detailed Droplist