📜 Server Commands
Command Description
/move Move to another map.
/post Send a message in the global chat.
/addstr Add points to Strength.
/addagi Add points to Agility.
/addvit Add points to Vitality.
/addene Add points to Energy.
/addcmd Add points to Command.
/pkclear Clear PK status.
/ware Change warehouse.
/reset Reset the character.
/msg Send a global message (Costs 1 Credit).
/fireworks Launch fireworks.
/mreset Master Reset.
/war Challenge another guild to war.
/soccer Challenge another guild to a soccer match.
/clearinv Clear full inventory (Warning: Move important items to storage first!).
/marry Marry another player.
/openwh Open warehouse.
/info Check details about players in the game.
/readd Reset character stat points.
/remaster Reset Master Skill Tree points.
/attack Auto-attack mode (Grants +60% XP).
/offattack Auto-attack + log off from the game.


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